Experiments on Quantum Information and Quantum Optics in Japan

TAKEUCHI, Shigeki, Ph.D.

Quantum Information Photonics Laboratory,
Research Institute for Electronic Science,
Hokkaido University

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Experimental study of following topics:

  • Quantum Optics
  • Quantum Information Processing
  • Quantum Computers
  • Quantum Cryptography


  • Quantum Computation Using Linear Optics and Single Photons ( Ref. 1, 6, 7 )

This picuture shows parametric fluorescence generated from an entangled photon
pair source (Kwiat 95).

  • Generation & Manipulation of entangled photon pairs ( Ref. 2, 5 )

We are now trying to develop a solid state quantum phase gate devices
using microspheres with stems.

  • High Quantum Efficiency Single Photon Detection System( Ref. 8, 9, collaboration with ERATO Yamamoto Project)
  • Quantum Teleportation (Ref. 3)
  • Quantum Cryptography (Ref. 4)

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Recent Papers


36. T. Nagata, R. Okamoto, J. OfBrien, K. Sasaki and S. Takeuchi,

     Beating the Standard Quantum Limit with Four Entangled Photons,

  Science, 316, 726 (2007).


35.@H. Takashima, H. Fujiwara, S. Takeuchi, K. Sasaki and M. Takahashi

Fiber-microsphere laser with a submicrometer sol-gel silica glass layer codoped with erbium, aluminum, and phosphorus

Applied Physics Letters 90/ 1/ 053709/1- 053709/3 (2007)


34.@H. F. Hofmann, R. Okamoto and S. Takeuchi

Analysis of an experimental quantum logic gate by complementary classical operations

Modern Physics Letters A 21/ 24/ 1837-1850 (2006)


33.@H. Fujiwara, Y. Kawabe, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki

Numerical analysis of spatial propagation of parametric fluorescence photon-pairs using the tuning curve filtering method

Physical Review A 75/023802/1- 023802/8 (2007)


32.@T. Nagata, R. Okamoto, J. L. O'Brien, K. Sasaki and S. Takeuchi

Beating the Standard Quantum Limit with Four Entangled Photons

Science International (2007)


31.@A. Soujaeff, T. Nishioka, T. Hasegawa, S. Takeuchi, T. Tsurumaru, K. Sasaki and M. Matsui

Quantum key distribution at 1550 nm using a pulse heralded single photon source

Optics Express 15/2/726-734 (2007)


30.@A. Soujaeff, S. Takeuchi, K. Sasaki, T. Hasegawa and M. Matsui

Heralded single photon source at 1550 nm from pulsed parametric down conversion

Journal of MODERN OPTICS 54/2&3/467-475 (2007)


29.@H. Konishi, H. Fujiwara, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki

Polarization-discriminated spectra of a fiber-microsphere system

Applied Physics Letters 89/12/121107/1-121107/3 (2006)


28.@H. Takashima, H. Fujiwara, J. Hotta, S. Takeuchi, K. Sasaki, S. Murakami, T. Torimoto and B. Ohtani

Analysis of quantum dot fluorescence coupled with a microsphere resonator

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 45/ 9A/ 6917- 6921 (2006)


27.@R. Okamoto, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki

Tailoring two-photon interference with phase dispersion

Physical Review A 74 /011801/1- 011801/4 (2006)


26.@R. Okamoto, H. F. Hofmann, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki

Demonstration of an optical quantum controlled-NOT gate without path interference

Physical Review Letters 95/21/ 210506/1- 210506/4 (2005)


25.@R. Okamoto, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki

Detailed analysis of a single-photon source using gated spontaneous parametric downconversion

Journal of the Optical Society of America B 22/11/ 2393- 2401 (2005)


24.  H. Oka, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki

Optical response of two-level atoms with reflection geometry as a model of a quantum phase gate

Physical Review A@72/013816/1-7i2005j


23.  A. Chiba, H. Fujiwara, J. Hotta, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki

Fano resonance in a multimode tapered fiber coupled with a microspherical cavity

Applied Physics Letters@86/26/261106/1-3i2005j


22.  K. Kojima, H. F. Hofmann, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki

A study on the shape of two-photon wavefunctions after the nonlinear interaction with a one-dimensional atom

Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics 32/4/221-245(2005)          


21.  H. Oka, H. F. Hofmann, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki

Effects of decoherence on the nonlinear optical phase shift obtained from a one-dimensional atom

Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.@43/11A/7495-7500i2004j


20.  S. Takeuchi, R. Okamoto and K. Sasaki

High-yield single-photon source using gated spontaneous parametric downconversion

Appl. Opt.@43/30/5708-5711i2004j


19.  K. Kojima, H. F. Hofmann, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki

Efficiencies for the single-mode operation of a quantum optical nonlinear shift gate

Phys. Rev. A, 70, 013810/1- 013810/6 (2004).


23. H. Oka, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki

Optical response of two-level atoms with reflection geometry as a model of a quantum phase gate

Physical Review A@72/013816/1-7i2005j


22. A. Chiba, H. Fujiwara, J. Hotta, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki

Fano resonance in a multimode tapered fiber coupled with a microspherical cavity

Applied Physics Letters@86/26/261106/1-3i2005j


21. K. Kojima, H. F. Hofmann, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki

A study on the shape of two-photon wavefunctions after the nonlinear interaction with a one-dimensional atom

Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics 32/4/221-245(2005)          


20.H. Oka, H. F. Hofmann, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki

Effects of decoherence on the nonlinear optical phase shift obtained from a one-dimensional atom

Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.@43/11A/7495-7500i2004j


19.S. Takeuchi, R. Okamoto and K. Sasaki

High-yield single-photon source using gated spontaneous parametric downconversion

Appl. Opt.@43/30/5708-5711i2004j


18. K. Kojima, H. F. Hofmann, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki

Efficiencies for the single-mode operation of a quantum optical nonlinear shift gate

Phys. Rev. A, 70, 013810/1- 013810/6 (2004).


17.A. Chiba, H. Fujiwara, J. Hotta, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki

Resonant frequency control of a microspherical cavity by temperature adjustment

Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 43, 9A, 6138-6141 (2004).@@

     16.  ‚g. F. Hofmann and S. Takeuchi,
Quantum-state tomography for spin-l systems
Phys. Rev. A 69 042108 (2004).

 @   15.@K. Tsujino, H. F. Hofmann, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki,
Distinguishing genuine entangled two-photon-polarization states from independently generated pairs of entangled photons
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 15 153602 (2004).@

    14.  H. F. Hofmann, K. Kojima, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki,
Entanglement and four wave mixing effects in the dissipation free nonlinear interaction of two photons at a single atom
Phys. Rev. A 68 043813 (2003).

    13.  H. F. Hofmann and S. Takeuchi,
Violation of local uncertainty relations as a signature of entanglement
Phys. Rev. A 68 032103 (2003).

   12.  K. Kojima, H. F. Hofmann, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki,
Nonlinear interaction of two photons at a one-dimensional atom: spatiotemporal quantum coherence in the emitted field
Phys. Rev. A 68 1 013803 (2003).

   11.  H. F. Hofmann, K. Kojima, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki,
Optimized phase switching using a single atom nonlinearity
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and semiclassical optics 5 218-221 (2003).

10.  ‚g. F. Hofmann and S. Takeuchi,
Quantum phase gate for photonic qubits using only beam splitters and postselection
Phys. Rev. A 66 024308 (2002).@

9. H. F. Hofmann, and S. Takeuchi,
Quantum Filter for Nonlocal Polarization Properties of Photonic Qubits
Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 147901 (2002).

8. K. Tsujino, S. Takeuchi and K. Sasaki,
Detailed analysis of the fidelity of quantum teleportation using photons: Considering real experimental parameters
Phys. Rev. A 66, 042314 (2002)

7. T.Hasegawa, T.Nishioka, H.Ishizuka, J.Abe, K.Shimizu, M. Matsui, S. Takeuchi
An Experimental Realization of Quantum Cryptosystem
IEICE Trans. Fundamentals ,VOL. E85-A No.1 January 2002

6. Shigeki Takeuchi
Beamlike twin-photon generation by use of type2 parametric down conversion
Optics Letters, Vol 26 No. 11, (2001) p843-845.

5.Shigeki Takeuchi
Experimental demonstration of a three-qubit quantum computation algorithm using a single photon and linear optics
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, VOLUME 62, (2000) 032301.

4. Shigeki Takeuchi
Analysis of errors in linear optics quantum computation
Physical Review A, vol61 (2000) 052302.

3. Shigeki Takeuchi, Jungsang Kim, Yoshihisa Yamamoto, and Henry H. Hogue,
Development of a High-Quantum-Efficiency Single-Photon Counting System
Applied Physics Letters, Volume 74, Number 8 (1999) p1063

2. Jungsang Kim, Shigeki Takeuchi, Yoshihisa Yamamoto, and Henry H. Hogue,
Multi-photon Counting using Visible Light Photon Counter
Applied Physics Letters, Volume 74, Number 7 (1999) p902

1. Shigeki Takeuchi,
A Simple quantum computer: experimental realization of the Deutsch Jozsa
algorithm with linear optics,

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If you are interested in studying experimental quantum optics with us, please email to
    sasaki@es.hokudai.ac.jp or takeuchi@es.hokudai.ac.jp

  • Post Doctoral Fellow Positions

We sometimes have open positions for PDs (Quantum Optics, experimentalists and theorists).
If you are interested in working with us, please try to contact us: takeuchi@es.hokudai.ac.jp

( Maidenhair trees in autumn color: the sight of the street in front of our institute.)

Hokkaido is the northern island, the second largest one among four main islands of Japan.
The capital city of the island is
Sapporo with two million people living there. Hokkaido University
exists in the central part of
Sapporo. Every morning, I usually take a subway train to the Sapporo
station, and walk 15 minutes to the laboratory. I really like the passage through the University in
a grove of white birch. In winter, everything is covered with snow and the contrast between the
blue of sky and the white of snow and trees in a very pure air is wonderful. But in order to enjoy
it, I have to endure the coldness down to minus 10 degree Celsius. The temperature in summer
is usually 20 to 30 degree Celsius and it's very comfortable. The island is also famous for it's
delicious foods, beautiful nature and many Onsen (
hot springs ).

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@ Shigeki Takeuchi
   Electronic Science Institute, Hokkaido University,
   Kita-12Jyo Nishi 6-tyome
Sapporo, Hokkaido, 060-0812  Japan

@ Map

Tel: +81-11-706-2646
Fax: +81-11-706-4956
Email: takeuchi@es.hokudai.ac.jp

For guests: Please contact me for the reservation of your hotel.

The standard access from Tokyo or Kansai ( Kyoto, Osaka ) to Sapporo
is by air.

The nearest airport is New Chitose Airport. It takes 36 minutes by
rapid train from
New Chitose Airport to Sapporo Station.

There are 45 flights from Tokyo Haneda Airport to New Chitose Airport (1.5 hours flight),
and also about 10 flights from
Osaka or Kansai Airport to New Chitose Airport (2 hours flight).

If you are fascinated by travel by trains, there some overnight trains between Sapporo and
Tokyo or Osaka. The trains are, however, speciall and very difficult to have reservations.
And also. please note that it takes 15 to 20 hours. Please contact us for more details.

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